On Ambition

I have a simple question in my mind:

How can we be ambitious and content at the same time?

The nature of the question is paradoxical. Sometimes I feel ambitious to achieve newer heights and indulge in activities that mean the most to me at the moment but at the same time it feels good to be content and not dwell over whatever I do not have.

Drawing the boundary may require self-reflection and experience.

A person can be satisfied with current materialistic possessions yet thrive for more?

What I mean by satisfaction here isn’t only when people say they’re satisfied but when their actions reflect that. They’re okay to be not having more.

This afternoon I was thinking of an example of not having a massive house but being capable enough to get one. Is that how contentment and ambition together looks like?

Keep in mind that “ambition” here means financial and materialistic desires or sometimes even emotional.

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