Always a Seesaw

Using social media, I’ve noticed an interesting thing I’ll write about today.

Every idea has a seesaw-like structure of the beliefs of the community that engages with it.

One day you’ll notice that people are against buying their own houses and they’re preaching how you should always rent your place to save money over a long period of time.

This narrative continues to spread until it becomes the opinion of the masses.

Then comes a person who disagrees with the idea and says buying a house gives you ownership and you get to settle down which is necessary.

Again, this narrative spreads and more people start to disagree with the idea of “rent > buy”. The seesaw goes on the other side, it’s the other side that becomes heavier over time and this left-right game goes on.

I don’t think I’ve ever noticed a balanced opinion emerging out of 2 communities. That’s just the way we are and with how things are operating in the modern world, it’s either the left or the right side that is heavier than the other.

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